Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Glen Orbik & The American Century

I've added Horatio Salt to my "Unusual Subjects" blog links off to the left, feel free to check the guy out. He can put words together like nobody's business, occasionally with a photo or art as inspiration. (Horatio also hipped me to Tumblr, which will keep a running entry of any number of places I jot things down, be it this blog here, Twitter, Facebook (which I treat as the kids next door having an all night party, giving away gifts and joining clubs, but, hey, its me inside just saying that I can't keep up). WayneManor.tumblr.com. (I did forget to check if I could hook up my Bobby The Mitch blog, something to look into at a later date.) Tumblr is cool, like keeping three notebooks together in the same spacetime. Well, back to what I started out talking about. No, no, go read Horatio's work, I can wait...

...ok. Glen Orbik certainly has more Daniel Brereton to him than Alex Ross when it comes to comics covers, if you saw his work for DC, you'd see that he's the only guy who can make Superman look swarthy. Big-lipped swarthy. There was a series in the early double-aughts--its what I call this decade, after Jethro Bodine wanting to be a spy like that double-aught seven guy--that DC put out called AMERICAN CENTURY. The covers are flat out beautiful, you'd see the newest issue on the shelf and you'd swear you could reach through the cover and touch the characters' hats or bellies or feel the breeze in most every scene. I found these covers at his website. I wish I could see everything this way, I'd certainly be a better writer.


horatio salt said...

thanks for kind words, wayne. they mean a lot, coming from you. glad to hear you dig tumblr. keep poundin' those keys... they unlock what's past and make it future.

James Robert Smith said...

Those painting are interesting. My favorite is the one with the couple on the bridge. The one with the huge-assed chick and the likker still looks almost as if S. Clay Wilson had a hand in laying it out.

Steve Malley said...

I am *such* a Glen Orbik fan!

And that gal in the shorts, I'd build a still in the woods if I thought it'd lure her in...