The words are actually for "L.A.Goodbye" with words by Jim Petronik, the voice behind my favorite band THE IDES OF MARCH. Most people know them for "Vehicle." I'm the friendly stranger in the black sedan, won't you hope inside my car...I seemed to have this song in my head as the bus pulled up, the Doubletree Hotel across 127th Street. The company Christmas party was tonight and I did not go. I saw no point in celebrating the fact that I've continued to work through a temporary agency for another year. An email is waiting for the production manager in the morning, and it was well thought out, I think my absence tonight helped matters. So I'll be back at work tomorrow with maybe a new outlook, whether its one of walking out the door or shaking hands with someone who means it, well, if you watch FoxNews and see a balding guy by the Cal Sag bridge screaming ATTICA! ATTICA! in a crotchless Riddler outfit, you can assume things didn't go well. Maybe I could get a job with that band in the poster...
That made me think of "Goodbye Sadness" that Yoko Ono recorded after John Lennon was shot.
I worked through a temp agency a couple of times before I landed work as a Fed. It was not fun.
I hope it goes well.
Crotchless Riddler outfit? *ROFL!* Now I gotta get that image out of my head...hopefully before dinner!
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