I've been playing the minimalist on my blog of late out of general malaise. I suppose I could argue that I use the last hour or so before I go to bed to write a new chapter for @joymotel, but this is not always the case. Horatio & I attempt to put up 20-40 posts a day (a post amounts to about three sentences, but its all in the brevity, we are up to 1275 posts). I'm just tired of being stuck inside all day and, at least for a few days (again!), we are to have below zero temps. The snow is gone, we had 40s over the weekend, and today was the last decent day. I had hoped to go downtown, but one of my nieces was sick, so I watched her after my sister went to work. No big deal there, I wish my nieces were more accommodating, but that's cool. The days are getting noticeably longer, even with overcast skies, so once it gets to where its in the 30s with no wind chill, I'll head downtown. I just realized that I never did post about last Monday, when I went to the Mystic Celt for the annual red light night. I had wanted to wait on my film getting developed, but none of my full moon photos came out, and then I ended up losing my impetus for describing the night. I'm finishing up the photos from the Bughouse Square set, the first is from when I connected trains in the Loop, crossing over at Washington Street so it was free, and there is this cool building that I used to have the ghost sign for. All that is left is AND TALLOW, the full sign read FUR, PELTS, AND TALLOW. I thought it best to take the photo before the rest of the wording was gone. Out of sequence is an odd photo of my block as I rounded the corner from the church parking lot I always cut through. I honestly have no idea when I took this photo, I don't know why I'd be walking in the sleet. Ah, well. Mysteries. The last is from a block or so from Washington Square Park. I just saw how the tree branches framed the building, and it even makes the one window look as if there is some huge shadow in it. I'm not one for arty photos, but I do like my tree branches.