I thought it was cool when Rick Therrio's painting of me was hung on the wall of the Bop Shop on Division Street, just a few doors down from one of the bars in Nelson Algren's MAN WITH THE GOLDEN ARM. I also thought it was clever to be with my friend Dan in a rented car and we drove from Las Vegas to the California border but I only leaned against the Welcome sign and took a huge whiz so I can still, nearly a Half Century Man, say that the only part of me that has been in California is my urine. Its been ten years, give or take a week, that I have had an email address, and I used to have to send out mass emails to send these odd photos to you all, but now I can simply post them on my blog. Is this a good thing? Also, when I typed my first email, I was terrified that I would be the one (ME!) that would activate SkyNet and then the Terminators would come looking for anybody named Sarah Connor...Wayne