Last weekend I went to apply for a job at Connie's Pizza for their Taste of Chicago booths. Extra weekend bucks. This post is just photos, the real story is coming up next post or so, with the photos that really tell the story. Connie's is on the ass end of old Chinatown and I got off the el at Halsted to walk the six or so blocks to the place, my quest being photos of the Chinese Maid building. Every time I'm on the el I see that sign and say I'm going to go get photos, and I was pleasantly surprised at how cool the main entrance looked. Don't let it fool you, though, directly across the short street (Wallace, I think), were $300,000 condos. It's an odd place to walk because of the abundance of interstate ramps all ready to converge on downtown. I actually have the photos of Snake Alley I wanted to post tonight, but in typical Wayne fashion, I can find only two of four. So I'm jumping ahead a bit. I really do love that entrance...