I'll bet most everyone of you have no knowledge of Unruh. Back in the 80s, I looked him up on the basis of his name alone. We have Gacy, but also, the south side of Chicago had Richard Speck, more a localized mass murderer. Unruh was the same kind of killer, though I doubt if anyone in Camden NJ remembers the events of 1946. Mostly because Camden is a bankrupt town. I missed out on Unruh's death in the NJ mental hospital at the age of 82 because of that project I was involved with. The guy had problems after WWII, taunts from neighborhood jackasses the kind of which I am all too familiar with. What made him snap was when he came outside on September 6th, 1946, and found his gate missing. He then took his Luger and walked around the intersection of two streets, killing a dozen people and wounding others. Killed a kid in a barber chair, then the barber. Killed a guy who sold his folks insurance policies that he thought were worthless. Shot a ten year old peeking from a window, the kid died the next day. He walked back home, the shootings took seven minutes. Surrendered after cops tossed tear gas in his bedroom window. Now Camden was a small town in 1946, and is still more a crappy suburb of Philadelphia, the old Naval Shipyard separating the two states. But there was no doubt he did it. And he might have been flat out nuts. But if this had happened in Chicago, I'm sure a cop's gun would have gone off unintentionally. That happens here, six bullets fired by mistake. Still does. Anyhow, the sad bastard is dead and gone.