Sorry for the webcam shots, I can't seem to get my new scanner to work. What else is new? I'm not kidding about the multiverse, as these shots illustrate. I hope I am visible between Batman and Wonder Woman in the second shot. Alex Ross was involved with a story to rival WATCHMEN, KINGDOM COME, back in 1996, and you can see me in the crowd scene near the Earth-22 Superman. Long story short, this Superman, in his fifties, has been in Justice Society of America for the last six months and went back to Earth-22 this past week. Alex Ross has said that everything would fit perfectly, in KC#4 an atomic bomb is dropped on the superheroes, killing all but a handful. At the moment of impact, the older Superman was shunted to the Earth-1. When he goes back, he is at that exact moment, and the next few pages are newly drawn but reflect several scenes from KC#4, including the one with me as a member of the United Nations. This may seem like an odd & rambling post for those who do not read comics, but it was like deja vu for me, seeing the scenes leading up to my minuscule appearance. You can see I have a larger image, again as a UN delegate, in an oversized book called SUPERMAN: PEACE ON EARTH. I hadn't expected to see myself again, my Earth-22 self, and I haven't changed a bit. Once I figure out the scanner, I'll post the original page again. But now you know that when I ramble on about Earth-14 and such, I'm not making it up, I'm out there in multiple guises.