Look, man, I didn't know what images to post here, the original image was my fake mugshot. I can't find fault, I throw the damn photos out there. But there's that photo and then the one for the book. The review in Publisher's Weekly is verbatim, but I have no idea what anything else means, though I do love the phrase "phantom of the humor."
2008-12-16 Wayne Allen Sallee 2008-12-16 Wayne Allen Sallee
珍しくこんな話を。 Such an unusual story.
ウェイン・アレン・サリーという知られざるホラー作家がいるのだが(といっても昔の人じゃなくほぼ現役?)、前から気になってたその人の幻のデビュー長篇"The Holy Terror"を、この円高をいいことに思い立って米アマゾンに注文した(但しMP)。 It's the unknown that the horror writer Sally Allen Wayne (who's not active most of the past though?),長篇was the debut of the Phantom of the humor from "The Holy Terror" to , Amazon's order to思I立っgood and the yen (except MP). 送料込で多分1900円ぐらい。 Probably in about 1900 new video. 実は日本アマゾンのMPでも買えるんだけど送料込4000超になるので(セコイね相変わらず)。 Amazon Japan MP actually buy any new video I-4000 will be (I still carp Se).
どういう話かというとこんな感じ↓。 Like this story than what I ↓.
This grisly, sadistic first novel suffocates itself under piles of body parts and excretions. Serial killer Frank Haid, dubbed the Painkiller by Chicago police and media, murders 18 people--all paralytics. Commanded by an unseen presence that he calls ``Father'' and that speaks in the voice of an uncle whose rotting corpse he keeps in the living room, Haid destroys his victims (what's left of them) and evidence in a way that puzzles police. Hardest hit are residents of Marclinn, a home for the handicapped, where survivors decide they must track down the madman themselves. Their efforts bring them into contact with Chicago's weird underworld--including junkie/murderers and a deformed prostitute whose head grows out her chest--and their own true selves. Crippled physically and emotionally, Marclinn inhabitants must overcome their limitations before taking on their nemesis. Sallee bludgeons readers with graphic images whose multiple shocks soon distance us from what might have been a compelling horror tale. (From Publishers Weekly) This grisly, sadistic first novel suffocates itself under piles of body parts and excretions. Serial killer Frank Haid, dubbed the Painkiller by Chicago police and media, murders 18 people - all paralytics. Commanded by an unseen presence that he calls `` Father ' 'and that speaks in the voice of an uncle whose rotting corpse he keeps in the living room, Haid destroys his victims (what's left of them) and evidence in a way that puzzles police. Hardest hit are residents of Marclinn, a home for the handicapped, where survivors decide they must track down the madman themselves. Their efforts bring them into contact with Chicago's weird underworld - including junkie / murderers and a deformed prostitute whose head grows out her chest - and their own true selves. Crippled physically and emotionally, Marclinn inhabitants must overcome their limitations before taking on their nemesis. Sallee bludgeons readers with graphic images whose multiple shocks soon distance us from what might have been a compelling horror tale. (From Publishers Weekly)
…何だかよく判らないがとにかく凄そう。凄判RANAI so well ... just me. 一応93年のB・ストーカー賞処女長篇部門候補作(受賞はポピー・Z・ブライト『ロスト・ソウルズ』 )。 Candidate B's 93 years at first division prize長篇virgin stalker (Winner is bright, poppy Z's Lost SOURUZU). この人実は短篇をちょっと読んでるだけだが、その「ちょっと」が相当印象に残ったので、一体どんなやつかと訝った。 The only people who actually read this little短篇, that "something" is worth so impressive, and訝TTA or any one guy. そしたらこんなやつだった↓。 Then this guy was a ↓. 怪しい。 Suspicious.
http://www. wayne allen sallee .com/ http://www. wayne allen sallee. com /