How was I to know that if I mixed latex frokm Izzy Rizzi's Trick Shop and paint primer that the removal of my Boston Brand outfit would cause my eyebrows and part of my cheek to peel off? It took two years for my eyebrows to grow back, and, guys, its amazing how hot and blinding the sun is, so don't ever think of shaving them. Even if Stewart uses that as a cult hazing. The following year I just dressed as a cop and tried to arrest Supergirl. That same Hallowe'en, vibrating one second from our existence on Earth-14, Sternberg himself wore my Deadman costume (cobbled from an old Daredevil costume, I am so resourceful)and swiped Jack Skellington's wallet. That's how he could afford starting the Earth-14 cult. The bottom photo is not a costume at all, its me as The Phantom Bee of Burbank. Keeping the souh suburbs Sternberg-free regardless of where in the multiverse we are....(by the way, I have been making references to Earth-14 since before I knew Stewart. His influence humbles us all, even Marlboro Spartacus, my name on Earth-23.) Wayne