G.W.Ferguson pegged it in the last posts comments. Not From Michigan Mike had given me a link to VSL (Very Short List), with illustrations by Thomas Allen. You can see the type of work he does, and the article mentioned The Nymph and The Lamp in the opening paragraph. I was fascinated, as I have that book. (In fact, I have two, and have given at least two other copies I can recall away. Every tenth trip to the thrift shop, I'll find a copy, go figure. Could be 55th and Kedzie in Mexicago, could be Uptown.)
But I digress. Man, this stuff is cool, I'm buying this book. I've shown a few covers, like the one Allen did that resembles Kiss My Fist. I put Make My Bed In Hell up just because I freaking LOVE that title. Also, there I am with my copy of Nymph. I, of course, suck at posting links, but you can Google Thomas Allen or Paintalicious or VSL, or even better, link to it from G.W.s comment in the last post. G.W. always puts links in his posts because he is the Mastermind of Virginia. Enjoy the art. I am.