Monday, January 7, 2008

Livin In A Van...

Damn but I look like Chris Farley in the photo. Bart and I always joke about our relative poverty by quoting Matt Foley, because we are indeed so close to the Cal Sag Channel. The record breaking warmth caught up with us finally, with several tornadoes touching down in northern Illinois and it rained like holy hell while I was getting high on laminator fumes, helping Don out as we tried to run covers for a Civics class in the Pittsburgh Public Schools that seemed to be printed on rice paper. I left work at 8, the rain was just a drizzle, but I never thought of the sewers in our little cul-de-sac being clogged. I first stepped in a pothole in our blacktop--keep in mind that I am in complete darkness under overcast skies--and thought, well, I'll jump onto the street. And was I amazed to see my feet disappear into water, I could not see my white sneakers or socks. Lots of squishing from that point on...down by the river. Wayne