First: Yes, Bob, Ral Donner's "The Girl Of My Best Friend" did indeed chart. I wish I could hear either Donner or Ellis on a cover of "(Marie's The Name) Of His Latest Flame." An odd set of images tonight, gang. The joke of course being that, towards the end, it wasn't sweat on Elvis's scarves, it was some sort of life-preserving fluid similar to what they injected Bob Barker with during his many years hosting "The Price Is Right." Back when I worked with the Elvis band, Brad would nigh get his neck twisted by fevered blue rinsed women swiping scarves from his slickened-by-the-spotlight neck. I have been buying these Elvis Reeses cups wherever I can find them, and thanks to Ed DeGeorge--he writes DR. WEIRD for October Comics--for the scan. Any true lover of All Things Elvis will eat anything with the ingredients involving fried bananas, butter, bacon dipped in butter, and Dialudid enemas. I have been sweating like Elvis so much these past few days, this crazy heat and humidity and Venus-type weather, the print shop reaching temperatures of 115 thanks to contraptions like the shrink-wrap machine and lack of circulation, left me shambling home from the bus stop, plopping onto the bed for several hours, and not being able to get the image of Dr. Fate saying something that makes little sense to whomever is standing in the doorway there. I assume they are the same hospital attendants that are coming to take me back to the asylum. (This of course being the print shop, 95 heat index until Tuesday, mah boy mah boy.)...Elvis has left the building, thank you and goodnight. You, my friends, are truly real people...Wayne