Well, no its not at all, but its better than my one from February, where I just talk about the place but have no actual photos of my own. These are from two different disposable cameras, one that went back to the winter winter days, the other I completely used up on Saturday. I decided to get some sunshine, use my 30% coupon at Borders (I bought DREAM CITY by Brendan Short), and wander around. Later, I decide to photograph some bungalows around 49th and Oakley--a few blocks from the Western Avenue el stop--but the surprises I found there are best described when I post the photos. So, the wonderful Vienna Beef hot dogs on steamed sesame seed buns. Backwards on up, the shot from Saturday shows you how tiny the one remaining GCD is, and that monolith in the background is the Trump Tower. You can also see the el platform, I can easily eat two hot dogs before I get onto that platform. Easily. I saved my remaining two from a previous visit downtown--using the other camera--and saved the hot dogs in the bag because it was too windy to open the bag at street level. Here's what the last two of my four hot dogs looked like as I sat and waited for my train. I didn't let one pass there, five different trains share both sides of the tracks over Wabash. And, of course, I am now superbly hungry.