Poor man Supergirl or Superwoman or as he wants that he is called to him. There he is, with the red telephone that found in the sweepings of Gorbachov hoping to that his Supermán cousin calls to him, to do to him one sucked. But nothing.

Supergirl is a personage of cómic, premium of Supermán. It has undergone several evolutions and name changes (Kara, Matrix, Pretty…) from its birth, in 1959. Always blond and handsome, with a pretty figure and the shield that his cousin characterizes, with the “S”. But its uniform has been modified throughout the time, from a more or less long red skirt, that sometimes is blue, to mini short. Its blue bodice also has been changing of size… and decollete. Also it has been possible to see to him with one fit white t-shirt. In this page we offer a random selection of than 150 images commented more of Supergirl, Superwoman or comoquiera that are desired to call it. In any case, a fantastic woman, in all its characterizations. Happen and you see. To wet bread!

Disguised Supergirl of wrist of Supergirl

In this image in exclusive right, we can see how the layer of Supergirl the bad one, the one of black, is of worse quality than the one of Supergirl the good one, whose layer is not transparent as much.
I spent my Friday evening clearing out a bunch of bookmarks off the computer, as opposed to actually going out and doing something. But I am done with that one writing gig, I finished writing "The Two Times I Saw Ava," and figured I could get a lot of little stuff done tonight before I set in on some new fiction tomorrow. I saved this goofy site which was actually found on Google Images last winter, there are pages and pages of entries, but I posted the ones that had some odd yet interesting sentence structure. No worse than my own on some days...