at Sante Fe Speedway, that's what we heard on the radio here. My friend Ray told me at lunch that the Frosted Mug is now torn down, so I am glad to have taken those photos I posted in September. Sante Fe Springs was a town just outside of Chicago that had been host to the Sante Fe Speedway. The stock car track was demolished years ago, UPS is pretty much covering that same stretch of land, in a town called Hodgkins, still close enough that I can get there on a single bus ride. Sante Fe Springs still shows on old maps, but I'm assuming it was not much more than a trailer park. Welco Corners can be found on old maps, as well, near Joliet, because that was the town that was officially the first stop on Route 66. A few years back Ray and I went past the sign to take photos of it, I had long thought one good windstorm would take the billboard down. About six months ago, the entire building was torn down, but not by nature. It was replaced by a bright neon billboard that changes ads every few seconds. Ray was glad I took the Frosted Mug shots and I again thanked him for driving me out to Wolf Road to take the billboard shots. More ghosts.