I spent the weekend staring at what I had bought. FLYFusion from Fly World. Then I downloaded it. Because Robert Mitchum came to me in a dream and tormented me. I will be able to hand print on a pad and have it show up on my screen. Sure, I can do the same thing with my scanner, I actually have a folder titled "Notebook," but this gadget might help me assimilate to the scrollboard version that converts the handwriting to typewritten text. Mitch showed up in my dream much like he did as described in my story "Mitch," in FIENDS BY TORCHLIGHT as well as in the form of a podcast on the TwilightTales website. I'm not entirely certain, but he might have even come to me in a NyQuil and vanilla ice cream vision and had me creat the Bobby The Mitch blog you can link to off to the left. I still haven't tried to use it yet, perhaps tomorrow. Maybe tonight, John Agar or Elvis will come kick my ass, with Karl Edward Wagner humiliating me by saying that even a Viking like himself would try it out...Wayne