Since my files are temporarily hiding within the catacombs of my computer, I have no photos to post. I had planned to scan these pages from THOPB, a picture book that was published along with THE MOLE PEOPLE whose name escapes me. I recall the cover from a stack of books my older cousin Dennis had back on Crystal Street. The monster on the cover looks way cooler than in the film, where he looks like he has hot dogs stuffed in his mouth. I'll offer the rundown. By the way, this was filmed near Norwalk, Connecticut. Okay, low-paid workers dump a drum into Long Island Sound. GUSH! Hank & Tina are confronted by bikers as they zoom along to Party Beach, and the two "show hem some dust," and continue on as the bikers go RRROARR. Tina is hitting the bottle, Hank preaches so much that when they get to the beach, she dances like JoAnn Worley on LAUGH-IN for OVER SIX MINUTES.Then,the Del-Aires play "Zombie Stomp" and everyone wiggles around like gutted fish.EVERYBODY TWIST! Then a cliffhanger. The greasers show up!