Far be it from me to say any one good thing about a gang other than every single gang member should be boiled alive, they are like drunk drivers, the ones who kill ten people in a head-on but live because they slide under the seat in their own vomit at the point of impact. And the idiocy of the rivalries, the Haddon Street Cobras against the Thomas Street Cobras. Yes, these are two east west streets in Humboldt Park, just north of Crystal Street. One. Block. Apart. You'd think they'd have different names, like the Cobras vs. the Super-Cobras. But I'll tell ya. I want to know who came up with the name Insane Unknowns, because that is just, just...how the HELL did a lousy gang member come up with two words that just sound great together? Its a Puerto Rican gang that goes back to the 70s, and their territory is or was (?) around Fullerton & Leavitt. The latter street runs north/south and the long-demolished hospital I was born in, Lutheran Deaconess, was at Thomas and Leavitt. When I'm going up north and take the buds to the Red Line at State, I actually pass 87th and Leavitt. Where was I? Oh. The Insane Unknowns. The most I find in the way of rivalries is that they fought an all-white gang, the Gaylords. That could be worse. Up here by me, there's the Polish Popes.
I remember the Insane Popes -- you'd think i was just making that up, but you know I'm not.
Your first sentence says it all.
Capcom, I suppose the gsng member should be shot before being boiled, I dunno.
Rich, I do know there are the Insane Popes. There is are also the Insane Polish Popes, though there were not a lot of them, out in Archer Heights. No more Polish in the Pope, but I'd have to say, the new guy tends to have that Hannibal Lecter look going. (Sorry, but its kinda true, might be the smile.) But the IU were the first to use the name Insane and for that I tip my hat as best I can for such a wretched lot of people.
It could be much worse. The Gaylords could have teamed up with the Polish Popes.
If you take one of those photos of the new Kraut pope and white wash a little Hitler mustache on him (I've done this), the effect is quite chilling. Try it.
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