Sunday, January 25, 2009

What's Going Down In The 'Hood?

I'm not certain what is worse, my ten year old niece using that phrase her twin sister singing the Viva Viagra commercial. Well, I suppose that's as good a segue as any for the blog heading, and, you tell me, what exactly is going on the that drawing? No, not the rubber plant, though I'm sure accidents can happen there. And you know something is going on at the 666 Laundromat and its not laundry. I can't figure out if the woman is falling in the bathtub, falling OUT of the bathtub, or if that's even a strange open window and she's trying to sneak in through the fire escape and fell. Regardless, I'm applying for my license tomorrow. It has to be a better job than writing for as living.


Steve Malley said...

Up to $10,000 a year?! Leaves writing in the dust!!

I planted some rubbers, but nothing grew...

Charles Gramlich said...

I first read that as : "Let's go to the rubber planet." Man my imagination went wild.

Anonymous said...

What do you bring when you visit a rubber plant? Flowers? A bottle of wine. A dozen kolachkis from Weber's Bakery? I'd hate to be a rude guest. I might have to climb in through a window and have my accident investigated by someone from the 666 laundromat, where your laundry is all the apocalypse you need.