I have the photos from last Sunday's trek to Oak Park and I'll post photos I took of Harry's secret lab tomorrow. The water in my crawlspace is gone and the temperature was back around 35 today. Compared to a week ago, it was still nice enough for me to saunter aimlessly and clear my head this afternoon, which resulted in me remembering to pick up the photos. The first photo I took a few days before the deep freeze; I live in the midget bi-level. Its comforting to know that, while my crawlspace floods, the giant building's entire basement floods. Might be a contributing factor in why the house is in foreclosure. Here's how it went, the 87th Street bus to State, then the Red Line took me to Jackson, the photo of the warehouse smoke plumes is close to 35th Street. Jackson Boulevard is a subway stop, then you go even further below and cross a tunnel to the Blue Line, which is where I met Playing Card Man. From there the Blue Line comes above ground and follows I-90 in a line straight west. The last two photos show the frozen snow and a neat Chicago City limits sign as well as the complete desolation of the platform leading towards East Avenue above. More tomorrow, I'll post a couple of shots in the afternoon, I think.
Wow. That giant house looks completely out of place. Any idea how many square feet? How much are they asking, now that it's in foreclosure?
If desolation can have angels, it surely can have imps. I think you're perfect for the job.
Brrr! You're taking me right back to those frozen Midwest winters, beautiful and bleak.
Sometimes I miss them. Others, I remind myself that I can sit out on my front step in a tube top and daisy duke cutoffs, scaring the neighbors...
I miss the snow too. I don't miss driving home from work at night in the white-out blizzards however.
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