I bought these pads to put on my back, to help me at least have the ability to think, never mind type seven words a minute. I try not to wear them often because they pretty much melt into your skin after a few hours of comfortable numbness. I'm nothing but a damn skeleton, in mind, not body. This is the me you see when I'm offline. Wayne
ow ow ow OW ow ow!
Dang, man...
I so could use some of those pads today-- hard weekend tattooing.
Have you tried acupuncture? I'm thinking about that...
I could use something on my feet at the moment. Numb.
You look like Walter Matthau.
"Felix! You're driving me CRA-zhee!"
I'm sorry. <:(
Hope that you feel better. XO
Have you ever looked into any voice activated/recognition typing software? I don't know what they're called now, but right before I retired IBM was testing and perfecting a new generation of that kind of application. They must have something for people who can't type due to physical restrictions. One of our mangers had MS pretty badly, and must have used something like that too. Just a thought.
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