Well, my blog is back after being in the cyber-wind for about fourteen hours. Here's how I screwed up THIS TIME. I wanted to add the Storytellers Unplugged blog to my blog bio or whatever its called, simply so that I could better enter my essay on the 28th of each month. David Niall Wilson explained how easy it was, and I accomplished said task, but somehow--alien manipulation, Philip K. Dick's spirit, Donny Rumsfeld surfing through midget porn via hacking my IP yet again--I DELETED this blog, the Frankenstein blog. Well, Karl at Blogger Team helped me out while I was working yesterday, acting quickly because I sent the same message repeatedly, The Computer Remains My Nemesis. And I might've mentioned Dick Cheney staring in a hentai film on YouTube, I forget. So now I explain the photos. First, here I am searching through endless windows as I was jacked into cyberspace like Case in Gibson's NEUROMANCER. Afterwards, I was so tired, I of course napped at the Pace bus stop, somehow wearing Neo's Matrix duster (which I bought for $24.00 from the Salvation Army near that selfsame Pace bus stop. Lastly, I thought I'd have to fall back on my old ways; instead of blogging, I'd have to come up with catchy ways of advertising myself. Anything to actually keep myself from writing new fiction, right? You all know me well enough, indeed. Your chattel, Wayne
Are you sure this wasn't a plot by Stewart Sternberg? Maybe you should investigate the possibility.
You know the new William Gibson novel will focus on a writer working for a magazine that doesn't exist yet. Kind of fits right in.
From experience, I know that computers steal far more writing time than they contribute (blame the internet). Which is why I rarely work on my own blog anymore and read only three (yours being one of them).
Good to have ya back!
Gibson's got nothing on me. I spent years working for magazines that didn't exist and books that were never published. As long as the checks didn't bounce, I didn't mind.
Gaaaaa! The whole blog? I'd still be hyperventilating.
I heard the the last Gibson novel was late getting to print because one of the editors found a human being in there with the other characters. Had to rewrite the entire middle section.
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