I had planned on writing about Bubbly Creek, as Larry had me dig up my old photos of the creek o' stockyard revenants. Then Bob Smith, that Hemlock Man (as opposed to that Mitchum Man), asked about that Beppo drawing. I am very good friends with painter Alex Ross, who is known as much for his comic art as he is for the models he uses for specific heroes and villains. You can see me as a UN delegate in SUPERMAN: PEACE ON EARTH and in the background (behind a Superman) in the futuristic KINGDOM COME. The coolest thing was when Alex took photos of me a few years back, my head and shoulders from various angles. In the current issue of JUSTICE, it pays off as hundreds of Brainiac robots are torn apart by tons of heroes over a two-page scene. The close-up here includes Donna Troy, who I am sure has a human counterpart walking the streets of Chicago, hopefully not ready to beat the crap out of me if I approach her for a date.
By the Twelve Gods! You're on the cover of a Superman comic book!!! YOW! YOU'RE MY HERO, MAN!!!
I didn't know that you were pals with Alex Ross. I had just turned my back permanently on the comics industry when MARVELS came out. I hadn't seen any comics in months and I was very impressed with the writing on that book and, of course, the kickass artwork. Kurt Busiek must be one of the nicest guys in comics. Seems Ross is right up there, too.
Sweet. Someday I wish to have a comic book of my own. That proabably won't happen, but hey, I guess a fella can dream, can't he?
They say a fellah gets the friends he deserves, and Alex Ross seems to be one cool dude in interviews. And both of you do fine work!
Uh, Wayne...um...(slicking back my hair)...um...can you introduce me to Power Woman?
Way cool. :)
You can carry that last picture around as proof of ID if you do run into her. ;)
Now I'm beginning to wonder from what unsuspected places Wayne's gaze may be looking down upon me from my shelves of books and comics. Egads, what is that feeling of being watched?
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