i'll likely find a photo to go with this, but i am again working a 12 hour shift. the last three out of five full moons i have been working 12 hour shifts. the full moon makes the woods and the cal sag channel very bright. what is the government hiding? when will rumsfeld quit reading my emails and, well, self-gratifying himself?
Much later, after what turned out to be a fourteen hour shift, there was a white castle's stop. for sliders. sid will probably comment on whattaburger. even a man who is pure of heart, and says his prayers at night, will become a wolf when the wolfbane blooms and a white castle is in sight...
We have the White Castle clone:
They're all right.
I've never had a white castle burger, but I've had Whattaburger. Loved the "pure of heart" finish to your post.
well as long as you reincarnate with the right witch it is all good:)
Now that I've eaten in Flint and avoided the inevitable gang rape of whichWayne warned and now that I've had a bowl of Bob Evans gravy for my biscuits -- big as a pair of Everlast fast bags, I swear -- I don't know that the Castle holds as many charms as once it did.
thx for reminding me of flint, larry. etain, i wish a witch would burn in-print graphics to hell. bob, i've eaten in krystal's in nashville, even mention the place in my story blind and blue. charles, i meant to end the piec with "a 24 hour white castle in sight". too late to go back.
Oh man... I just crave a White Castle with jalapeno cheese. No, I crave TWO.
Friend of mine has eaten at White Castle, but the bastard never brough me back a burger for me to try! I Even paid for it in advance! See, I live in northeastern Iowa so it's not all that far of a drive to that funky Castle. I couldn't get off work to go, but he did. HE ate my burger!!! HE also kept my money...(Sigh)
HE ate my burger!!! HE also kept my money...(Sigh)
I've only ever had frozen White Castle from the super market. We don't have White Castle in the South. I guess Whataburger won that battle.
I'm not so much into full moons as gibbous moons these days since I heard a discussion of Lovecraft's use of that term. I went out in my back yard Sunday night and noticed we had a waxing gibbous moon, I think. Maybe it was Wayning. :-) Ah, I kill me!
Everyone deserves a slider now and then, even a wolf.
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