Said novel being CITY OF NEW SECOND CHANCES, starring Frank St. Cyr, Johnny Restivo, Ransom Holland, Chris the bartender and Scott the pool hustler at Uptown Jo's. Willy Sid and Lisa Sestina as the PIs (police informants). Blood Alley, Glengarry Townhomes, the Darlington Motel, and the vacant lot at Sunnyside and Agatite all ready for a dead body. But its 15 below with the wind chill, and I'm reading comics instead. So there you have it. What shall be my excuse tomorrow? A lost love (or royalty check)? Being hounded by Howie Mandel to co-host DEAL OR NO DEAL? Watching tonight's episode of HEROES again? Someone get on my @$$ about getting off my own @$$ and write this dang book already!!!!! Pleadingly, Wayne